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3 Tips to Improve Your Weightlifting For Crossfit
There is little doubt, Crossfit has done wonders for the sport of weightlifting over the last decade plus. Because of Crossfit’s ability to spread Olympic-style lifting to the masses, the sport of weightlifting went from a fringe event generally only seen by the mainstream every 4 years at the Olympics to the topic of dinner […]

5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before My First Weightlifting Meet
Rewind to April of 2010. It was an unusually hot and humid afternoon in the Sacred Heart University gymnasium, and I was immersed in a completely foreign situation. My name was called over the PA system and the clock began its sixty-second countdown. It was time for my opening snatch attempt. As I was about […]

The Essential P’s to Performance Part 2
If you read our first installment in this series, you are aware that we will be outlining the six essential “P’s” to optimized performance. In the previous post, we discussed the importance of Purpose and how having a clearly defined one can improve your chance of success in any pursuit. Today, we will be diving […]

The Essential P’s to Performance
If you have been following along with this blog, you are probably starting to get the sense that helping optimizing performance in all aspects of life is a huge part of our mission here at Aspire Athletic Performance. Appropriately, today, we are going to continue the conversation. Over the next week, we are going to […]

Time to Scrap Your Program or Do You Just Need a Foundation Fix?
So, you’ve been training diligently for quite a while now…you went through that period of “newbie gains” where PRs were flying every time you touched a barbell and the pounds of fat seemed to melt away with the bat of an eyelash. Though things didn’t accelerate quite as quickly as when you were a beginner, […]

Are Demons in your Brain Soul-Sucking your Success?
Let’s face it, from time-to-time (some of us more often than that) we all have little demons that like to whisper sweet nothings in our ears. If we listen too closely to these toxic messages, we just might fast-track our way to failure. Below, we will delve into six different demonic presences that might be […]